My dear sweet boy,
The lack of "Julian" blog posts is not an indication of our love for you, but just an indication of how I would much rather spend all my time with you while your sister sleeps at night. So this post is especially for you on your 4th birthday! I hope one day you will read these posts and realize how much effort mommy put into blog all because of how much I love you. You had 3 full years of having the "only child" glory and now I have to catch up and do the same for your baby sister. So yes, I am guilty of only writing "Lauren" posts since she was born, but know that its only because your time is more valuable to me than a blog post. Mommy and daddy are hear to tell you that you have been the source of our light for the last four years and will always continue to be. You have been our pumpkin since the day we found out you were in mommy's belly and you will always be our first-born. We can never put into words how much we love you, but we can promise to tell you every single day of your life.
At four years old:
- Weigh approximately 45 pounds and 42 inches tall
- Wear size 5T clothes and size 11.5 shoe
- You sleep from 9:30 pm-8:00 am and sometimes take a 1-2 hour nap between 2- 4pm. If you miss your nap, we try to put you to bed by 8:30 pm. You are definitely not a morning person.
- You finished your second year of preschool. Even though you were encouraged to have more play dates in order to get you to socialize with other kids better, I think your teachers were C.R.A.Z.Y.! One, they were always absent and a kid needs consistency. Two, you loved your friends and your friends loved you so I am not clear if there were isolated incidents at school of you acting your age, but either way, you were three years old and what three year old boys act like adults? I have to actually admit that you even act better than some adults!
- You are enrolled in St. Luke's Pre-K class for 2014-2015 school year and have 5 of your friends in the same class (Cameron, Craig, Beau, Sam, Timothy, and Staples)
- Cameron & Craig Johnson are your best friends.
- You had the coolest and most funnest Ice Cream Social Birthday Party on May 14, 2014 after school with all your friends and you had SOOOOO much fun. You even said to me" I had fun at my party, mommy". You made my heart sing. :)
- You had another birthday party exclusively with family on June 8th and also had a lot of fun. You had so much fun that you didn't want to stop and eat, so you ate when everyone left.
- You are not a fan of bugs or ANY animals for that matter.
- You LOVE chocolate and candy and even though you acknowledge that eating too much gives you a "belly ache" you still insist on stuffing your mouth with the entire bag of whatever it is you are eating.
- You phonetically know all the sounds of the alphabet.
- We are always working on reading. You can sound out the letters, but we are working on blending the letters.
- You know what to do when you get lost. ;) I don't ever plan for this to happen, but I would like for you to be prepared just in case you wander off. With that being said, you know mommy and daddy's phone number and know to say, "Please call my mommy at 832-xxx-xxxx)".
- You know your address, city and state.
- You know how to spell "Julian" & "Lauren".
- You are getting a lot better at writing your name.
- You know your whole name and your birth date
- You have the most AWESOME memory and like to recall past events from up to a year and a half. You especially like to say "when I was a baby", even though you are referring to the day before.
- You are into making silly faces at this age... see pics below
- You are extremely persistent, which can be a good thing at times, however at this age can be difficult to suppress the nagging and whining until you get your way. Not something I like to admit, but you get it from your mommy.
- You are still completely OBSESSED with cars, car, cars! Anything car related you are game. You even like to visit car dealerships. This is your special treat with daddy.
- You still love to frequent your Tia Monica & Tio Lupe's house.
- You love to drive your Jeep and I have to admit, you are REALLY REALLY good at driving it. Very impressive how you reverse.
- Your favorite food is spaghetti-oh, pizza, goldfish crackers, cheddar bunnies, and donuts (Daddy's totally guilty of this one),cheese, chips and whatever other junk food you can think of.
- Favorite movies: The Incredibles, Frozen, and Finding Nemo.
- I have to admit that for 3 solid years you did not drink soda and still don't drink it often, but now you request it sometimes. Even though I am just as guilty of drinking it, I wish you wouldn't drink it at all because there is still hope for you. ;)
- You love books and I am so glad that you still asked to be read to.
- You might be embarrassed when you read this in the future, but this was all you, honey. I am happy to report you have been out of diapers since January 2014 (3 years and 7 months old). It was a huge struggle, but I am relieved we don't have to purchase size 6 diapers anymore ;)
- You love mostly ALL basic fruit with the exception of melon and watermelon. You even like kiwi and prunes.
- Your biggest fan is your baby sister, Lauren. She gets sooo excited when she sees or hears you.
- You without a doubt love your baby sister 101%! You are such an awesome and loving big brother and I am so proud of how well you take care of your baby sister. Hope this continues into adulthood.
- You are and always will be our first born and no one can ever take that away from you
- Although at times challenging, but in the end, always a sweet, loving, persistent and determined little guy. We love you so unbelievably much and we can never imagine a life without our little Junebug!

P.S. I can look at your pictures over and over, and I do.
God couldn't have made a better Julian Cade Hinojosa.