It happened again...yes, another month that my baby is older. I can not believe Julian is half a year old with a blink of an eye. Although Julian has been under the weather, he has managed to reach a big milestone on his 6 month birthday! Yes, he is finally flipping over from back to tummy. We haven't quite mastered the tummy to back roll, but we will get there pretty soon.
At six months, Julian...
- Weighs 23.2 lbs (95%) and 28 inches (95%)
- Wears 6-12 months and size 4 diapers
- Sits unassisted
- Flips from back to tummy
- Loves to bounce
- Knows his name, although sometimes I think he ignores me on purpose
- Does a 360 on tummy time
- Eats baby food twice a day
- Drinks 33 ozs. of formula
- Babbles all the time (personal favorite)
- Indiscriminately says dada
- Smiles all the time (all-time favorite~I can have more than one, right?)
We are truly blessed with an amazing baby boy who melts our hearts every day. We love you more than you will ever know, Julian! Happy 6 Month Birthday!!!

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