Lauren at 11 months:
- Weigh 25 lbs
- Wear 12-18 month shirts and 18 month bottoms (exactly like your brother at this age)
- Wear size 5 shoes
- You now have 6 teeth (14 to go)
- You stand unassisted for longer periods
- You have taken your first steps (4-5 steps) on 7/23/14 and as of 7/27 you are...
- OFFICIALLY WALKING!!!!!! (this deserves its own bullet point)
- You can identify your head :)
- You no longer like to eat baby food, so now we have to get creative on what table foods to feed you. You mostly eat a lot of fruit.
- You are still on 4 bottles a day
- You've gotten a taste of regular milk and love it
- Naps are twice a day and sleep is from 8:30-6:30
- EXTREMELY impatient
- You like to open and close things; especially doors on toys or pages in books
- If you don't like a certain food, you like to throw it on the floor
- You started patting your doll's butt (Mommy taught you that and its SO SO CUTE to watch)
- You hold phone-like objects to your ear
- You are a great share bear with food NOT toys (see next bullet point)
- You are starting to become possessive of your things. See video below
- You love to play with brother's cars, in particular, the bigger ones that have noise or light up
- You say mama, bye, agua and "uh oh", I THINK... only because you do not repeat when I ask you to do it, nonetheless you say these words, but to you they are probably just baby sounds ~ same difference ;)
- Favorite songs are "Do You want to Build a Snowman" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". You even attempt to do the spider when I sing it.
- Visited the Museum of Fine Arts and enjoyed the Soto Exhibit
- Celebrated your first 4th of July and was not a fan of the loud fireworks. You kept trying to cover your ears.
- Went to Maggiano's for the first time and loved the food and bread.
- You do not leave your bows on anymore, but mommy insists you still wear them!
- One month away from your FIRST birthday!!!!!!!!!!! (party planning has already begun)
Lunch at Maggiano's
Cuddles for mommy
Sleeping like a champ!
Sharing with her favorite people!