Monday, July 28, 2014


I am so so sad and on the verge of freaking out due to the fact that my LAST baby is one month away from having her big ONE year old birthday. Can anyone please tell this mamma that it is going to be okay?!? I will try and just focus on the facts (and 1st birthday party planning) for now and cope with the emotions next month. And breathe.....

Lauren at 11 months:

  • Weigh 25 lbs
  • Wear 12-18 month shirts and 18 month bottoms (exactly like your brother at this age)
  • Wear size 5 shoes
  • You now have 6 teeth (14 to go)
  • You stand unassisted for longer periods
  • You have taken your first steps (4-5 steps) on 7/23/14 and as of 7/27 you are... 
  • OFFICIALLY WALKING!!!!!! (this deserves its own bullet point) 
  • You can identify your head :)
  • You no longer like to eat baby food, so now we have to get creative on what table foods to feed you. You mostly eat a lot of fruit.
  • You are still on 4 bottles a day
  • You've gotten a taste of regular milk and love it
  • Naps are twice a day and sleep is from 8:30-6:30
  • EXTREMELY impatient
  • You like to open and close things; especially doors on toys or pages in books
  • If you don't like a certain food, you like to throw it on the floor
  • You started patting your doll's butt (Mommy taught you that and its SO SO CUTE to watch)
  • You hold phone-like objects to your ear
  • You are a great share bear with food NOT toys (see next bullet point)
  • You are starting to become possessive of your things. See video below
  • You love to play with brother's cars, in particular, the bigger ones that have noise or light up
  • You say mama, bye, agua and "uh oh", I THINK... only because you do not repeat when I ask you to do it, nonetheless you say these words, but to you they are probably just baby sounds ~ same difference ;)
  • Favorite songs are "Do You want to Build a Snowman" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". You even attempt to do the spider when I sing it.
  • Visited the Museum of Fine Arts and enjoyed the Soto Exhibit
  • Celebrated your first 4th of July and was not a fan of the loud fireworks. You kept trying to cover your ears.
  • Went to Maggiano's for the first time and loved the food and bread. 
  • You do not leave your bows on anymore, but mommy insists you still wear them!
  • One month away from your FIRST birthday!!!!!!!!!!! (party planning has already begun)
We love you so much, sweet pea!




Lunch at Maggiano's

Cuddles for mommy

Sleeping like a champ!

 Sharing with her favorite people!




Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy July 4th!

We didn't do much today, but I couldn't let that get in the way of a photo opportunity. 
Happy 4th of July!






(We actually had 3 outfit changes today)