Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Instagram Addict


Froberg's Strawberry Farm in Alvin

Oh how I love me some family time especially when it involves yummy strawberries we get to pick all on our own. And boy were they delicious!



Among Julian's newest accomplishments I am proud to say that he knows and can distinguish 10 letters of the alphabet (A, B, C, E, G, H, M, O, R, U).  I tried to get a good video of his newest achievement, but I will warn the video is long. :)

Why is he chewing gum at 21 months?

So I get home from work to discover that Julian is chewing gum. Yes, you heard me right, CHEWING it! My mom is notorious for always chewing gum and has taught her sweet boy how to follow in her footsteps. While I do not condone this behavior I was kinda impressed at how he kept the gum in his mouth and never ate it. How many pieces of gum did he eat prior to learning how to chew it is anyone's guess? :-/