Saturday, August 28, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Sophie & Julian

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
2 Month Check Up
I can NOT believe it has been 2 months that Julian joined us in this world. Our beautiful boy has not only fulfilled our wildest dreams, but he has taught us a new meaning of love.
The question always came up after getting married on whether we would have children and we always said, "If it didn't happen, we would be ok with it", but now, I can NEVER see myself without this precious boy God has given us. We are so lucky to be his parents and he is so lucky to have so many people love him!
Today we went for his 2 month check up, where he received 3 injections. Although it was hard to watch, he was very brave and only cried for a brief moment.
Here are his stats and his accomplishments at 2 months:
- Weighs 14 1/2 pounds
- Height 24.5 inches
- Great head control during tummy time (see pics below)
- Social smiling and cooing (MY ALL TIME FAVORITE)
- Sleeps an averageof 5-6 hours a night, which I am told is sleeping through the night, but not in my book!
- Eating 5.5 ounces 6 times a day (he is eating like a 4 month old)
- Focuses well on objects and follows Mom & Dad's voice
- Melts our hearts with his GORGEOUS smile and is the apple of our eye!
After his shots; however, medication hasn't kicked in :(